Or, in some cases, the tabs might not even be sticky enough, so to speak, resulting in tabs that don’t entirely stay fastened.The Velcro tabs might seem like they make almost too much noise when you pull them apart, which could wake your baby.It’s machine washable, so you won’t have to worry about potentially washing it by hand each time.You can swaddle your baby in three easy steps, so even if you’re a new parent, it’s relatively simple.The stretchy sack at the bottom where the feet and legs allow for leg movement if needed, so it’s hip healthy.Since it is made for babies up to three months old only, its official weight range is 7-14 pounds. Luckily, with this guideline of sorts, it’s not too complicated to get the hang of wrapping your baby with this swaddle either. To use the blanket, you just slide your baby’s legs into the pouch and then use the tabs on the upper fabric to wrap and close it around your baby’s chest. The Amazing Baby Swaddle Blanket is designed for babies up to three months old, so the Nested Bean Zen definitely has a leg up on it in that regard, but it is also made of soft and stretchy cotton that’s sure to keep your baby feeling cozy. How Others Compare Amazing Baby Swaddle Blanket Some babies may be able to slip their arms out of the bottom of the upper wrapped area, defeating part of the purpose of swaddling them.It may be challenging to swaddle smaller or younger babies tight and securely enough.Some parents may feel as though the fabric is almost too stretchy, even if it’s necessary to have a certain amount of stretch in a swaddle blanket.

Swaddle blankets, in general, are easy enough to get the hang of, but with the Nested Bean Zen Swaddle, you also get one that’s already shaped to show you the best way to fold the different flaps, as opposed to one large square of fabric, which can sometimes be confusing. And, thanks to the 100% lightweight cotton, the fabric is breathable enough for the warmer months of the year, yet still warm enough to keep your baby nice and toasty during the colder months. The weights themselves are non-toxic poly bends that are also used at some children’s toys, so there’s no real danger there. The chest and sides of the blanket are gently weighted to give your baby the feeling of being held, even after you’ve put him or her back in the crib or bassinet.

What does set it apart from some other similar swaddle blankets, though, is the fact that it’s actually lightly weighted.

The Nested Bean Zen Swaddle is one that is designed for babies up to six months old, so you can be sure that you’ll get plenty of use out of it while figuring out exactly how your particular baby needs to be swaddled each time. And depending on your baby, swaddle blankets could be the key to getting him or her to sleep through the night more easily while keeping them comfortable. They’re typically inexpensive and, for the most part, easy to use.